I Don’t Want To See Your Light

Wrote this micro-fiction as a prequel to my popular older micro-fiction blog post ‘In Another Lifetime’ (If you’d like to go back and read that, you’ll find it in the ‘Fiction’ category on my blog menu).


Healing happens when we truly accept things we cannot control. And then embrace what’s left of that which we cannot let go.

When Journeys Align

A monologue, with narration.

Monologue: From the view point of someone’s growing understanding of their own journey.
Narration: Their inner/higher self(in the voice of a third person),witnessing and foretelling at the same time. (A fictional piece I’ve written drawing inspiration from my understanding of human beings, my relationships, my perception of others’ relationships, what I have read, etc….and then writing what I feel should be the trajectory of personal growth for someone moving from a place of flawed and wanting – to a place of complete and fulfilled.)

I Have Held You Tight

But being oblivious of your presence, not chasing you,
Ironically, were the times you stayed with me the most.

Meaningful Silence

Silences are heavy – they convey much more than you could ever say.

But What About Me?

When you give too much,and don’t leave space to receive, you’re not being loving to the one person who should matter the most to you- YOURSELF!

The Waiting

It’s the mindset you choose to be in, while you wait, that makes all the difference to the quality of your life during that period of waiting.