The Truth Behind Resilience & Strength

Resilience & Strength are not innate traits that we are magically(or luckily) born with. These are traits we learn, develop and build on, in the face of adversity and over time.

‘If’ – But, not by Kipling

If we really knew what we were talking about,If we truly believed every single thing we said,If we embraced our light as much as we ran from the darkness inside,If it didn’t matter how it would all reflect,If everyone we loved, loved us back equally,If our every thought and deed was correctly understood,If we figured…

Think Away To Glory

For peace does not mean lack of thoughts,
It’s the ability to differentiate,
What thoughts need acting upon,
And what need to be left to fate.

Meaningful Silence

Silences are heavy – they convey much more than you could ever say.

But What About Me?

When you give too much,and don’t leave space to receive, you’re not being loving to the one person who should matter the most to you- YOURSELF!

Back To Basics

When you realize that any outward work is useless, unless it also leads to inner work. And outward kindness and compassion starts with first being that way towards yourself.

The Waiting

It’s the mindset you choose to be in, while you wait, that makes all the difference to the quality of your life during that period of waiting.


‘Propellers’ is a term I use for people and situations that have taught me valuable lessons. Without these propellers, we would have been stuck. They shake things up and help us be unstuck.